Producer and Company Director Matthew King has over 17 years of experience in the development and operation of live productions. Ranging from Festivals, Spectical Theatre, Fire Events, Musicals, Concerts and more...
Macabre Producing Services can assist local artists who need support in the development of key materials for a range of events. Including:
Risk Management Planning
Insurance Planning
Site Map Development and Auto Cad 3D design
Technical Design and Management of Resources from external hire companies
Publicity and Graphic Design
Grant Writing and Funding Reports
Simple Ticketing Solutions, Front of House Operations and Public Management
If you have a great idea for the region and would love a supportive team to help with the operation, please reach out to see if we can assist in making it happen.
Concert, Outdoor Art Gallery, Festival Day or Something NEW & INTERESTING.
We look forward to helping local artists share their creativity.